Education for the Underprivileged
In 2022, HD360 started the education pilot project
in Haiti's South East region, specifically in Jacmel and its twelve communal sections, with the sole
purpose of giving vulnerable children in rural areas
a chance at a brighter future.
In 2023, we partnered up with 13 public schools throughout Jacmel, to assist with the program implementation in the communities.
What kind of assistance do we provide for the
sponsored students?
We cover the cost of a hot meal and school exams for the school year
We provide all the school books for the year to the sponsored students, through our rental program
HD360's library, called "Librairie Résilience"(in English
"Resilience Library") has approximately 5,000 school books to date. We continue to acquire more to be able to satisfy the increasing demand each year for school books that families cannot afford to purchase for their children.